Monday, August 25, 2008

Traffic Light Party !!

My last Saturday rendezvous point is at Piccadilly's Traffic Light Party ...........

Whats a Traffic Light Party? A party/dance where you wear colours to show you're availability.

Red = Taken
Yellow = Undecided
Green = Single

But then again ...there were many Black outfits around too, which to me it means free-for-all !!1

So here are them in pictures ............


Penny is a Red and Candy is a Green.

This are all Greens.

The Greens and "Greens"!

Chui and Yen.
Woon and Candy.

The Red.

Jenny she's a Red too......
Wong is a Green.

The true REDS ....Jenny and Hui!

Chui and Yen ...a Red and Green.

We are the true Greens!!

Lilly may like to guess?
Alex and William spotted in Green ....hmmm?!
Instead of shooting their darts at the Greens and Yellows hanging around , the're (Hui and Eric) shooting it at the dartboard!
Ah Der expandable!!

3 Greens out of 1 Red......We are d Availables!!


Many are enjoying their drinks and moving onto the night.......

Some are getting into the Ice-breaking games.....

Some are caught in their own mindless state .....or perhaps pondering their next move!

Some are showing their true colours by taking center stage!!

To me this was my first experience but unfortunately Asians are tend to be very shy-headed !!! Ain't we all , thus it seems that we have our shy taboos built and made in us.....but that is about to change .

I found them ......the true and elite Greens of the Night!!!

This is what Traffic Light Party stands for !!!

The King of Green Traffickers .....Man in G(Green)-String!!!!!

"If we knew the outcome it wouldnt be called reaserch!." -Albert Einstein

Am looking forward to the next one!!!

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